🇬🇧 About us
The Department of the History of the Polish Language in its present form brings together a group of scholars concerned primarily with Old Polish, and especially – with the language of the Polish Middle Ages. Thus, we are referring to the research directions set by Professors StanisÅ‚aw UrbaÅ„czyk and WÅ‚adysÅ‚aw Kuraszkiewicz long before the former Department of Polish Language emerged as a unit focused exclusively on diachronic linguistic research. The first head of the Department of the History of the Polish Language, established in 1996, was professor Wojciech Ryszard Rzepka (until 2002), the next – professor Zdzislawa KrążyÅ„ska (students of professor Kuraszkiewicz). From 2012 to 2020, the department was headed by professor Tomasz Mika. In 2021, the management was assumed by associate professor Agnieszka SÅ‚oboda. The department conducts research on both the system of language (primarily syntactic) and multidirectional studies of the most ancient Polish and bilingual texts, seen in a broad interdisciplinary context. The Department offers many types of classes, organizes scientific conferences, and pays special attention to the popularization of historical-linguistic knowledge, primarily through the vibrantly active (since 2002) Society of Enthusiasts of the History of the Polish Language.
Head of the department
associate professor Agnieszka SÅ‚oboda, PhD
professor Tomasz Mika, PhD
associate professor Dorota Rojszczak-Robińska, PhD
Marcin Kuźmicki, PhD
Dorota Masłej, PhD
Ewa Nowak-Pasterska, PhD
Doctoral students
Aleksandra Deskur, M.Sc.
Wojciech Stelmach, M.Sc.
Zofia Bryłka-Baranowska, M.Sc.
Anna Marko, M.Sc.
Professor emeritus
professor Zdzisława Krążyńska, PhD
Kinga Zalejarz, PhD
Olga Ziółkowska, PhD
Karolina Borowiec-Pieniak, PhD
Arkadiusz Robiński, M.Sc.